We can facilitate with any level of Underground Storage Tank (UST) management: UST closure/abandonment, standard compliance issues (tank and line tightness and testing, inventory records, etc.); maintenance issues (spill buckets, submersible turbine pumps, etc.); or release response and cleanup.
Trust Fund Sites
Gas stations typically pay into a State trust fund and, in the event of a release, have access to these funds. We will help apply for State funding during a release response process on behalf of the site owner.
Soil Borings/Testing
If a release has potentially occurred, then we will conduct the necessary soil testing to define the extents of the release (if any). LP Environmental will install the soil borings and analyze the laboratory samples for standard gasoline, diesel, or oil contaminants. We will also prepare the reports that the State requires during the investigation process.
Monitoring Wells
If the soil borings and laboratory samples indicate that contamination may have left the area around the release point then the State may require groundwater monitoring wells. Using information from the soil borings as well as regional geology, we select the locations of the groundwater wells.
Remedial Design and Installation
If the soil and groundwater data suggests that remediation is required, then LP Environmental can conduct soil excavation or groundwater remediation. We can excavate impacted soil and provide conformation sampling; design a pump and treat system; inject surfactants or bio-remediation enhancements; or perform vacuum assisted recovery events.
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